I Sewergrooves posso essere considerati a pieno titolo dei veterani della scena rock grazie ad un’attività decennale alle spalle. Provenienti dalla Svezia, patria storica di diversi gruppi hard-rock, ancora poco conosciuti in Italia, i quattro musicisti miscelano il rock classico dei Rolling Stones con un pizzico di stoner. Segnatevi perciò questo nome, i Sewergrooves: magari non andranno da nessuna parte (questo è il quinto album) ma al rock' n' roll danno sicuramente del tu. Questi quattro ragazzi di Stoccolma che hanno un debole per i capelli lunghi, le braghe a zampa e i riff al fulmicotone targati anni '70. Insomma, it's only rock'n'roll but we like it.
1- She's a Punk (just for one day)
2- This Time I Know
3- Rock 'N' Roll Receiver
4-Remember Everything
5- That Woman She's a Dead Woman
6- Going To Be Nothing
7- Wrote This Song For You
8- Keep It Coming
9- I Sold My Soul For Rock 'N' Roll, So Help Me
10- Save Me Lord
1- She's a Punk (just for one day)
2- This Time I Know
3- Rock 'N' Roll Receiver
4-Remember Everything
5- That Woman She's a Dead Woman
6- Going To Be Nothing
7- Wrote This Song For You
8- Keep It Coming
9- I Sold My Soul For Rock 'N' Roll, So Help Me
10- Save Me Lord
KURT DRÄCKES Lead guitar and lead vocals
ANDREAS BROMAN Bass guitar and backing vocals
PACKE WAHLQVIST Rhythm guitar and backing vocals
ANDREAS BROMAN Bass guitar and backing vocals
PACKE WAHLQVIST Rhythm guitar and backing vocals
2 commenti:
....very cool blog...thanks for the sewergrooves old school electric frankenstein style punk rock and roll.....
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